Business Owners Policy

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What is Business Owners Policy (BOP)?

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A Business Owners Policy, often referred to as a BOP, is a type of commercial policy which includes customized coverages in addition to basic general liability protection, designed to meet the insurance needs of small and mid-size businesses. By combining business property and liability protection into a packaged insurance plan, you can save money and reduce or eliminate coverage gaps. Such coverage in a Business Owners Policy (BOP) may include: Building and Business Personal Property – includes coverage to repair or replace your building and any equipment, stock, furniture or fixtures that you own. Business Liability – protects your business against financial loss resulting from claims of injury or damage caused to others by you or your employees. Additional coverages might in include personal property, loss of income, identity theft insurance and many more.
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Not all businesses qualify for a Business Owners Policy (BOP). If your business is involved in high-risk operations or is highly specialized, you may need higher liability coverage limits than the policy can provide. Southwest Risk Management experts can accurately match your needs to the right coverage for your business. Our dedicated support, resources and expertise can also provide additional coverages allowing you to tailor a policy that meets the unique needs of your business, today and as it evolves.
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Additional Coverages

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General Liability
General Liability (GL)

General Liability Insurance is designed to protect businesses against damages and negligence they become legally obligated to pay due to bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising from premises, operations, completed operations and products.

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Employment Practices Liability
Employment Practices Liability (EPLI)

Claims arising from the process of employment are covered under Employment Practices Liability Insurance. Common claims include wrongful termination, sexual harassment, discrimination, wrongful discipline, and retaliation. This policy covers directors and officers, management personal and employees of the insured.

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Cyber Security Liability
Cyber Security Liability

Cyber security is a growing concern. Cyber liability coverage is designed to afford protection for businesses that communicate or conduct business online. If a business has a website, uses email, social media, stores data, including private information on computers or generate revenue online Cyber Security Liability Insurance should be considered.

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Directors & Officers
Directors & Officers (D&O)

In business today, Directors and Officers (D&O) of a company face increasing liability. Claims may be made whether the event is actual or alleged. Some reasons for D&O claims include breach of duty, neglect, error, misleading statement, misstatement, act or omission in duties resulting in financial loss or economic hardship.

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Talk To An Insurance Specialist Today: (866) 924-7976

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A Full Suite of Business Insurance Products

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General Liability

General Liability Insurance is designed to protect businesses against damages and negligence they become legally obligated to pay.

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Business Property

Business Property Insurance can protect buildings, equipment, building content, and other real and personal property.

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Employment Benefits

Employment benefits offer your employees coverage and peace of mind for themselves and their families.

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Risk Management

We help you identify, analyze, and manage risks that are inherent in the operation of your business.

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