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QUOTE NOW (480) 290-2222

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Transportation Insurance Coverage

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Southwest Risk Management has a team of Transportation Insurance Specialists that are ready to assist any business in the transportation industry. We work with large and small fleets of cars, trucks, vans, buses, and semi-trucks throughout the nation.
Our experienced Transportation Insurance Specialists can help you identify the risks associated with your unique business. We are dedicated to offer you a wide variety of coverages, the best insurance value for your premium dollar, while providing exceptional, prompt customer service.

Begin your Transportation Quote online or call a licensed agent to get started at 1-866-924-SWRM (7976).

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Jobs in Transportation

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  • Trucking
  • Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
  • Courier Services
  • Limosuine and Specialty vehicles
  • Taxicabs
  • Bus Tours
  • Airport Shuttles
  • Hotel Shuttles
  • Local delivery
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Related Coverages

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Business Property
Business Property
Business Property Insurance can be purchased whether you own, rent or lease property in any industry. There is no such thing as one size fits all business property coverage. Various forms and coverage endorsements exist to meet your individual needs. In short, Business Property Insurance can protect buildings, equipment, building content, and other real and personal property.
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General Liability
General Liability
General Liability Insurance is designed to protect businesses against damages and negligence they become legally obligated to pay due to bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising from premises, operations, completed operations and products.
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Employee Benefits
Employee Benefits

We can service all of your Health Insurance needs.

  • National & Regional Insurance Carriers
  • Full Suite of Employee Benefits
  • Voluntary & Employer Sponsored Plans
  • Affordable Care Act Trained Staff
  • Self Funded, Partially Self Funded & Fully Insured Health Plans
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Life Insurance
Life Insurance
Group Life Insurance may be offered by an employer, organization, or association. Usually this coverage is offered as part of a bigger plan of insurance products in an Employee Benefits package. Typically there are minimum and maximum limits available to the group because of preferred group pricing. It is possible to have a Group Life Insurance policy through work and purchase an Individual Life Insurance policy on your own.
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Workers' Compensation
Workers’ Compensation
Most states require Workers’ Compensation Insurance, but each state has unique laws. Workers’ Compensation Insurance can protect employees and a business in the event of an accident or diesase arising out of the course and scope of employment. Workers’ Compensation does not consider who is at fault, rather it is designed to protect employees and employers from costly litigation.
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Complete an Application Here
Click below to begin your application
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