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Aviation Insurance Coverage

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Private air travel has become more cost effecient for both small and large companies. While considered a luxury, private air travel comes with its own unique risks and limitations. Many valuable services Southwest Risk Management offers play a critical role in Aviation Insurance; some of those services are contract review analysis for risk and liability implicaitons, emergency response planning, and coverage reviews.
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Jobs in Aviation

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  • Business/Aircraft Owners
  • Pilots/Operators
  • Corporate Non-Ownership/Private Borrowers/Renters
  • Lending Institutions
  • Airports
  • Fixed Base Operators
  • Contractual Requirements
  • Hangar Owner’s/Landlord’s
  • Aviation/UAV Manufacturer’s
  • Flight Schools
  • Membership and recreation clubs
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Related Coverages

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Commercial Auto
Commercial Auto

Commercial Auto Insurance can protect your business from claims of physical damage and liability in the event of an accident. Auto Liability coverage is used to protect against claims alleged for bodily injury and property damage arising from the ownership, maintenance or use of an insured automobile. Comprehensive Coverage ensures protection from damages to your vehicle resulting from a covered loss other than a collision, such as fire, theft, vandalism or contact with persons, animals, birds or falling objects. Collision Coverage is used to insure against loss or damage to a covered vehicle resulting from collision or upset. Additional coverages may be added to a commercial auto policy that will futher protect your assets.

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Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection

Environmental liabilities may be associated with nearly any business. There are various forms of Environmental Protection Insurance depending on your business operations. Businesses at risk for enviromental losses typically seek pollution coverage to cover liability and often covers cleanup costs associated with pollution.

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Boiler & Machinery
Boiler & Machinery

This coverage is usually synonymous with Equipment Breakdown Insurance. Losses arising from mechanical or electrical breakdown of equipment are covered under Boiler and Machinery insurance. Coverage may extend to repair or replace the damaged equipment as well as property damaged by the covered equipment.

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