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Southwest Risk Management

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Our clients trust and respect Southwest Risk Management as an insurance leader.

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  • Knowledgeable Insurance Agents
  • Helpful Service Representatives
  • Hands on Ownership

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Who We Are

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Southwest Risk Management, LLC is an independently owned and operated insurance brokerage. We readily recognize that our success is built on an accumulation of long-term loyal clients. The measure of our prosperity is client retention.

Meet Our Founders

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  • John Holt
      John HoltFounding Partner

      John Holt is the Managing Member and Founder of Southwest Risk Management, LLC.  John has a diverse insurance background in agency and carrier operations.  He has served on a number of broker advisory boards for national and regional insurance companies.   John’s background includes developing niche workers compensation programs and opening new jurisdictions as Vice President of Business Development for a regional workers compensation carrier.   Prior to establishing Southwest Risk Management, John managed agency operations in California and Arizona and served as a member of the Board of Directors for a regional agency.

    • Terry Larsen
        Terry LarsenPartner

        Terry’s business career spans over three decades.  Prior to joining Southwest Risk Management, LLC as a Partner, Terry was Director of Sales for a commercial insurance agency, specializing in workers compensation and package policies.  As Director, his responsibilities included developing a farm and ranch business model which continues to thrive today.   Terry’s clients are located throughout the southwest, many of which have been insured by him since the beginning.  Terry manages and mentors the producers at Southwest Risk Management.

      QUESTIONS? Call a SW Risk Insurance Specialist at 1-866-924-SWRM (7976)

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