Public Sector – Municipality

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Public Sector – Municipality Insurance Coverage

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Southwest Risk Management has several insruance options for public sector entities including water-related, educational, municipalities, public entities and tribal agencies. In additon to standard insurance options our Risk Management can educate and train management and staff on risk mitigation procedures.
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Jobs in Public Sector – Municipality

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  • Municipalities and Counties
  • Utilities – Water & Sewer, Gas, Electric and other selected districts
  • Transit Authorities
  • American Indian Nations
  • K-12 Public Schools
  • American Indian Nations & Gaming
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Related Coverages

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General Liability
General Liability
General Liability Insurance is designed to protect businesses against damages and negligence they become legally obligated to pay due to bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising from premises, operations, completed operations and products.
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Auto Liability & Physical Damage
Auto Liability & Physical Damage


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Public Entry Management Liability
Public Entry Management Liability


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Employment Practices Liability
Employment Practices Liability
Claims arising from the process of employment are covered under Employment Practices Liability Insurance. Common claims include wrongful termination, sexual harassment, discrimination, wrongful discipline, and retaliation. This policy covers directors and officers, management personal and employees of the insured.
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Law Enforcement Liability
Law Enforcement Liability


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Business Property
Business Property
Business Property Insurance can be purchased whether you own, rent or lease property in any industry. There is no such thing as one size fits all business property coverage. Various forms and coverage endorsements exist to meet your individual needs. In short, Business Property Insurance can protect buildings, equipment, building content, and other real and personal property.
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Complete an Application Here
Click below to begin your application
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