Risk Management Program

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What is a Workers’ Comp Risk Management Program?

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Workers’ Compensation premiums can double when a company is not actively engaged in the risk management of the Workers’ Compensation Policy and Programs:

  • Risk Manager must understand the financial impact an EMOD will have on the workers compensation premium in order to make appropriate decisions with each aspect of the program
  • Risk Manager must understand the financial impact each claim will have on the EMOD, and what can be done to maximize savings
    Risk Manager must understand the importance of claims management in order to avoid coslty pitfalls that will last a minimum of 3 years.
  • Risk Manager must be actively engaged in managing workplace programs that protect the bottom line
  • Risk Manager must be committed and work closely with the Safety Committee in order to influence company policies and morale.
  • Risk Manager must understand how indirect variables will impact the cost of workers compensation moving forward, ie split point.
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Business Planning
Contract with Southwest Risk Management to provide the expertise needed for successful cost containment strategy that will protect capital, staff, and physical assets of each company.
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Additional Coverages

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Accident Investigation
Accident Investigation

If an employer does not run accident investigations on each claim, then the employer may not be able to prove the facts of the accident. The employer is then subject to whatever result the claim takes. The results can cost tens of thousands of future premium dollars.

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Claims Management
Claims Management

Workers compensation claims can easily fall into pitfalls that are tough to get out. Claims will raise the company’s premiums, and lower the insurability of a company.

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Company RN
Company RN

Early claim triage can save a company tens of thousands of dollars on hig workers compensation premiums.
CompanyRN’s Registered Nurse will speak with the injurred employee(non-life threatening) directly to take the report

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Risk Management Training
Risk Management Training

Failing to train employees on specific tasks assigned to them can open up a company to unwated risks.

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Complete an Application Here
Click below to begin your application
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Call an Insurance Specialist at 1-866-924-SWRM (7976)

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A Full Suite of Business Insurance Products

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General Liability

General Liability Insurance is designed to protect businesses against damages and negligence they become legally obligated to pay.

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Business Property

Business Property Insurance can protect buildings, equipment, building content, and other real and personal property.

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Employment Benefits

Employment benefits offer your employees coverage and peace of mind for themselves and their families.

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Risk Management

We help you identify, analyze, and manage risks that are inherent in the operation of your business.

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