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Agriculture Insurance Coverage

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Southwest Risk Management is working cooperatively to identify insurance issues and offer solutions for the Agricultural Industry. We have targeted this important industry for significant growth. We specialize in farms, ranches, wineries, packers, equine and commercial growers of agricultural products. Our success is built upon the ability to provide innovative agricultural coverages, risk control services and claim support tailored to meet customers’ unique needs. Southwest Risk Agribusiness is one of the top insurers in the nation. Our appointed agents will work with you to design the appropriate coverage to insure your growing business.
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Jobs in Agriculture

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  • Dairy Farms
  • Harvesting
  • Farm Supplies
  • Feed Lots
  • Farm Machinery
  • Agriscience
  • Food Science/Products
  • Farm Labor Contractors
  • Horticulture
  • Fisheries & Wildlife
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Related Coverages

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Directors & Officers Liability
Directors & Officers Liability

In business today, Directors and Officers (D&O) of a company face increasing liability. Claims may be made whether the event is actual or alleged. Some reasons for D&O claims include breach of duty, neglect, error, misleading statement, misstatement, act or omission in duties resulting in financial loss or economic hardship.

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General Liability
General Liability

General Liability Insurance is designed to protect businesses against damages and negligence they become legally obligated to pay due to bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising from premises, operations, completed operations and products.

.btn-66a460fc49870 { background-color:#6abc5e; color:#ffffff; margin-bottom:15px; } .btn-66a460fc49870:hover { background-color:#5aa050; color:#ffffff; } .btn-66a460fc49870 { box-shadow: 0 3px 0 #55964b; } .btn-66a460fc49870:active { box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #55964b; }
Business Property
Business Property

Business Property Insurance can be purchased whether you own, rent or lease property in any industry. There is no such thing as one size fits all business property coverage. Various forms and coverage endorsements exist to meet your individual needs. In short, Business Property Insurance can protect buildings, equipment, building content, and other real and personal property.

.btn-66a460fc49a0a { background-color:#6abc5e; color:#ffffff; margin-bottom:15px; } .btn-66a460fc49a0a:hover { background-color:#5aa050; color:#ffffff; } .btn-66a460fc49a0a { box-shadow: 0 3px 0 #55964b; } .btn-66a460fc49a0a:active { box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #55964b; }
Crime Insurance
Crime Insurance

Commercial Crime Insurance can provide coverage for any type of business institution. Some coverages include employee dishonesty, funds transfer fraud, forgery or alteration, computer fraud, money and securities, money orders and counterfeit money, kidnap, ransom, and extortion coverage.

.btn-66a460fc49ba1 { background-color:#6abc5e; color:#ffffff; margin-bottom:15px; } .btn-66a460fc49ba1:hover { background-color:#5aa050; color:#ffffff; } .btn-66a460fc49ba1 { box-shadow: 0 3px 0 #55964b; } .btn-66a460fc49ba1:active { box-shadow: 0 1px 0 #55964b; }
Board Members' Accident
Board Members’ Accident


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Errors & Omissions Liability
Errors & Omissions Liability


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Complete an Application Here
Click below to begin your application
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