Absence Management

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What is Absence Management?

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Absence Management is the technique of identifying and controlling employee absences. This service can be tailored to meet specific company needs. The ability to determine the true cost of employee adsence is critical to profitability. Other services include Prevention & Intervention, Claim & Leave Management, Reporting & Interpretation, and Coordination of programs.
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Benefit costs and employee expectations are rising in today’s economy. Many employers struggle to balance employee needs with their own capabilities and bottom lines. Saving money on employee benefits while still attracting and retaining the best and the brightest is essential. Saving money on employee benefits while still attracting and retaining the best and the brightest is Southwest Risk Management’s goal. Our team has the resources to keep up with the newest health care reform regulations to ensure your business is prepared for inevitable changes.
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Additional Coverages

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Group Medical Insurance
Group Medical Insurance

Group Medical Insurance refers to an employer sponsored health insurance plan. This type of plan is offered to eligible employees and sometimes includes family members. Group medical plans are the key element of an employee benefits package. The most common group medical plans are fully insured but larger companies are moving towards partially and fully self funded health insurance plans.

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Disability Plans
Disability Plans (STD &LTD)

Disability Insurance Plans are a form of Health Insurance that provide payments for lost income in the event of a sickness or injury. Both Short Term Disability and Long Term Disability pay a percentage of your income towards the disabiltiy benefit. Premiums are typically paid monthly like a health insurance policy. If injured on the job, workers’ compensation insurance would be triggered leaving STD and LTD unused.

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Group Life Insurance
Group Life Insurance

Group Life Insurance may be offered by an employer, organization, or association. Usually this coverage is offered as part of a bigger plan of insurance products in an employee benefits package. Typically there are minimum and maximum limits available to the group because of preferred group pricing. It is possible to have a group life insurance policy through work and purhcase an individual life insurance policy on your own.

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Voluntary Benefits
Voluntary Benefits

Voluntary Benefits are insurance products offered through a company but paid for by the employee. Typically these include Life, Dental, Vision, Disability, and other ancillary benefits. Employers who do not offer employee benefits often don’t realize the value of having voluntary benefits available for their employees.

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Talk To An Insurance Specialist Today: (866) 924-7976

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A Full Suite of Business Insurance Products

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General Liability

General Liability Insurance is designed to protect businesses against damages and negligence they become legally obligated to pay.

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Business Property

Business Property Insurance can protect buildings, equipment, building content, and other real and personal property.

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Employment Benefits

Employment benefits offer your employees coverage and peace of mind for themselves and their families.

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Risk Management

We help you identify, analyze, and manage risks that are inherent in the operation of your business.

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