Insurance Programs

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What are insurance programs?

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A program can mean many things to those in the insurance industry. Southwest Risk Management defines a program as an insurance proposition with a competitive advantage for a defined market delivered through a collaborative value chain of a program administrator and a carrier.
The market-facing underwriters are program administrator employees with explicitly defined and managed authorities. This arrangement comes to fruition when a carrier grants underwriting authority to a program administrator — a recognized expert in a niche class of business — in order to collaboratively write a book of business for groups of customers with consistent characteristics or needs. Some examples of these types of programs include:
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Insurance Program Examples

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As a Partner of the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants we understand the insurance needs facing the accounting industry. Often accounting professionals advise clients on insurance needs and even purchase insurance on their behalf, we can help you and your client.

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We specialize in farms, ranches, wineries, packers, equine and commercial growers of agricultural products. Our success is built upon the ability to provide innovative agricultural coverages, risk control services and claim support tailored to meet customers’ unique needs.
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Auto Repair
Auto Repair

The Auto Repair Industry is important to keep our country running. It is important to cover the shop, the employees, tools, and customer vehicles.

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Construction is a hazardous industry with inherent risks requiring innovative and proactive risk solutions. Southwest Risk Management consistently delivers proven resources and solutions to local and national construction companies.
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Educational institutions face many unique challenges not applicable to other business industries. Our knowledge and experience in the educational industry has helped colleges, school districts, charter schools, pre-schools and other educational entities.


The Healthcare industry is hard at work helping people each day. We can make your insurance purchasing decisions easy with our full suite of insurance products.

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Coverage is crucial to manufacturers; a little down time can cost a lot. We understand the manufacturing industry and know how to help.

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Real Estate
Real Estate

Real Estate and Property Management Professionals face ever increasing risks in today’s market. Partner with a professional team that understands the challenges facing Real Estate.

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Technology companies are some of the most innovative organizations in business. The nature of this industry requires appropriate and adequate insurance solutions to meet the changing world we live in.

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Get the Straight Story.

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Talk To An Insurance Specialist Today: 1-866-924-SWRM (7976)

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A Full Suite of Business Insurance Products

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General Liability

General Liability Insurance is designed to protect businesses against damages and negligence they become legally obligated to pay.

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Business Property

Business Property Insurance can protect buildings, equipment, building content, and other real and personal property.

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Employment Benefits

Employment benefits offer your employees coverage and peace of mind for themselves and their families.

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Risk Management

We help you identify, analyze, and manage risks that are inherent in the operation of your business.

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